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Corrector Yui Complete Series DVD

Corrector Yui Complete Series DVD

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 Corrector Yui Complete Series 

Show Title Corrector Yui 
Discs & Episodes 8 Discs / 1-52 End
Season  Season 1 / 2
Original Year 1999 - 2000





English, Japanese (Dual Audio)

English Subtitles ON/OFF 

4:3 Season 1

16:9 Season 2

Region Free 0 (Any DVD Player Worldwide)

It is the year 2020 and computers have become an integral part of daily life for most people. However, a teenage girl Yui Kasuga is one of the few who cannot use computers at all, despite the fact that her father is a software developer. An evil computer called Grosser wants to take over the ComNet (what the Internet is called in Yui's time) and as the programs that have been developed to stop it (called "Correctors") need her help, she is sucked into the ComNet where she is recruited by a corrector called I.R., who gives her downloadable element suits that allow her to become the ComNet Fairy Corrector Yui who can fight Grosser's computer viruses.

In the first season, the series revolves around the war against Grosser, and reveals the mysteries that surround the Correctors, their seemingly missing creator, and the relationship that he seems to have had with the corrupted computer.

In the second season, Yui and the Correctors must fight with a mysterious virus who menaces the ComNet, and also cope with the mysterious Corrector Ai, a Corrector who tends to work on her own and seems to have her own agenda. The key to the mysteries seems to be a strange young girl who seems lost and may be related with the devastating virus appearances. 


No. Title Original Air Date
1 Let's Go To ComNet! (Japanese:コムネットへ出発!) April 9, 1999
2 Beware of Nasty E-Mail (Japanese:悪口メールにご用心) April 16, 1999
3 Take it Easy With the Food (Japanese:おいしいものはホドホドに) April 23, 1999
4 Trouble on the Fortune Telling Net (Japanese:占いネットで恋の予感) April 30, 1999
5 Listen to Nature's Song (Part 1) (Japanese:とどけ!森の歌声 後編) May 7, 1999
6 Listen to Nature's Song (Part 2) (Japanese:とどけ!森の歌声 後編) May 14, 1999
7 Big Trouble in D-Edo Net (Japanese:O-EDOネット大騒動) May 21, 1999
8 Please Help Rescue (Japanese:レスキューをたすけて) May 28, 1999
9 Yui's Space Odyssey (Japanese:大宇宙のユイ) June 4, 1999
10 Danger in the Gingerbread House! (Japanese:お菓子の家で食べられちゃう!) June 11, 1999
11 Heart Thumping Double-Date (Part 1) (Japanese:わくわく♡ダブルデート) June 18, 1999
12 Heart Thumping Double-Date (Part 2) (Japanese:どきどき♡ダブルデート) June 25, 1999
13 Secrets of the Eight Software (Japanese:8つのソフトの謎) July 2, 1999
14 Showdown at Western Net (Japanese:ウェスタンネットの決闘) July 9, 1999
15 The Orient Express Investigation (Japanese:迷探偵エクスプレス) July 16, 1999
16 Jaggy's Training Course (Japanese:ジャギーの大特訓) July 23, 1999
17 The Howl of War Wolf (Japanese:ウォーウルフが吠える時) July 30, 1999
18 00Yui: The Rookie Spy (Japanese:00ユイは新人スパイ) August 6, 1999
19 Princess in Training (Japanese:ユイのプリンセス修行) August 27, 1999
20 Seeking Haruna (Japanese:ねらわれた春菜) September 3, 1999
21 Synchro: The Last Software (Japanese:最後のソフト・シンクロ) September 10, 1999
22 The Angel with Dark Wings (Japanese:黒い翼の天使) September 17, 1999
23 Showdown! Double Correctors!! (Japanese:対決! ダブルコレクター!!) September 24, 1999
24 Yui's Decision (Japanese:ユイの決意) October 1, 1999
25 Attack on Grosser's Castle! (Japanese:突撃グロッサー城!) October 8, 1999
26 Let's Go to Tomorrow!! (Japanese:明日へ出発!!)

October 15, 1999


DVD Screenshots

It is the year 2020 and computers have become an integral part of daily life for most people. However, a teenage girl Yui Kasuga is one of the few who cannot use computers at all, despite the fact that her father is a software developer. An evil computer called Grosser wants to take over the ComNet (what the Internet is called in Yui's time) and as the programs that have been developed to stop it (called "Correctors") need her help, she is sucked into the ComNet where she is recruited by a corrector called I.R., who gives her downloadable element suits that allow her to become the ComNet Fairy Corrector Yui who can fight Grosser's computer viruses.

2nd Season

No. Title Original Air Date
1 IR No Longer Needed!? (Japanese:IRはもういらない!?) April 14, 2000
2 Corrector Yui No Longer Needed!? (Japanese:コレクター・ユイはもういらない!?) April 21, 2000
3 The Lost Little Girl (Japanese:迷子の少女) April 28, 2000
4 Yui and Ai: The Stage Battle (Japanese:ユイと愛の演劇バトル) May 5, 2000
5 It's What I'm Going to be! A Manga Artist (Japanese:めざせ! マンガ家) May 12, 2000
6 The Battlefield In -200 Degrees (Japanese:マイナス200℃の戦い) May 19, 2000
7 Prediction! How to Be Popular (Japanese:占います! モテる条件) May 26, 2000
8 Search for the Sun! (Japanese:太陽を追いかけろ!) June 2, 2000
9 Yui Becomes an Idol!? (Japanese:ユイちゃんアイドルになる!?) June 9, 2000
10 Nettie Has Disappeared (Japanese:消えたネッティー) June 16, 2000
11 Freeze's School Diary (Japanese:フリーズの学園日記) June 23, 2000
12 Ai's Private Lesson (Japanese:愛の個人レッスン) June 30, 2000
13 Peace Goes on a Rampage!? (Japanese:ピース大ぼうそう!?) July 7, 2000
14 Yui Goes to The Hot Spring (Japanese:温泉旅行だよユイちゃん) July 14, 2000
15 Around The World in 8 Hours (Japanese:8時間世界一周) July 21, 2000
16 Decide! Corrector Haruna (Japanese:決めます!コレクター春菜) July 28, 2000
17 Yui Falls in Love (Japanese:ユイちゃん恋をする) August 4, 2000
18 Trouble in Jaggy's Library (Japanese:ジャギー図書館大さわぎ) August 25, 2000
19 The Sunflower Girl (Japanese:ひまわりの中の少女) September 1, 2000
20 Triple Correctors Meeting! (Japanese:トリプルコレクター見参!) September 8, 2000
21 Tragic Freeze (Japanese:悲しみのフリーズ) September 15, 2000
22 Corrector Ai's True Character (Japanese:コレクター・アイの正体) September 22, 2000
23 Ai and Ai and I (Japanese:愛とアイとi) September 29, 2000
24 ComNet's Greatest Crisis (Japanese:コムネット最大の危機) October 6, 2000
25 ComNet's Collapse!? (Japanese:コムネット崩壊!?) October 13, 2000
26 We Are All Friends (Japanese:みんな友だち) October 20, 2000
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